Linux web development. Test web sites in Internet Explorer inside Linux

IE: We hate it, but our customers don't know anything else... So, we must test how Internet Explorer renders our websites. It's a bit unpractical to boot from another partition, or change your machine for testing. There are a couple of useful practices:

  1. Install a Virtual Machine for Linux, such as Virtualbox with a windows XP in it
  2. Install IE5, IE5.5 or IE6 as a linux standalone application with IEs4Linux

I have a Windows XP with 128MB RAM for Internet Explorer 7 testing inside my VirtualBox for linux. So, when i want to see how IE7 treats my valid XHTML and CSS i boot the virtual machine and I test it. But, when older IEs come into play, I directly load an internet explorer thanks to IEs4Linux, as if it were another Linux application. This is not something really new, since it is a shortcut to wine, but it's really fast to install and you get all the versions working with a single command. Give it a chance.